Want to know the most important Internet blogs?
Technology today
- wwwhatsnew: Latest technology and Internet news.
- Xataka: Internet news, new information technologies.
- Gizmodo: Consumer electronics.
- ALT 1040: Technological and scientific news.
- Genbeta: Internet news and software.
- Fayerwayer: Full technology.
- Bitelia: Internet news, social networks, technology ...
- Apple Sfera: Dedicated to Apple.
- El Lado del Mal: Informatic security.
- Barrapunto: Computing and Open Source.
- Geeks Room: Technology and the Internet.
- Neoteo: Blog collecting interesting articles on current technology.
- Tecnologia21: Technology blog born in Peru.
- Punto Geek: Personal blog technology.
- Gizmologia: Articles with the latest technology and gadgets.
- Arturo Goga: Tips, resources and news.
Technology (Business, social networking and marketing)
- Tic Beat: Tecnología e innovación.
- Silicon News: Actualidad Empresarial y nuevas tecnologías
- Trece Bits Noticias relacionadas con las redes sociales más importantes.
- error500: Reflexiones sobre Internet y su impacto global.
- The Inquirer: Noticias variadas sobre tecnología.
- Marketing Directo: Full marketing.
- Tecnología Pyme: Tecnología para pequeña y mediana empresa.
- Puro Marketing: Marketing y las redes sociales.
Science and Trivia
- Naukas: Science and technology, literature, science fiction, and reviews alternative music.
- Kurioso: Curiosities
- Tendencias21: Science and Disclosure
- Yorokobu: Alternative themes to make you think.
- Psico Code: Psychology and personal development, because life should come with an instruction manual.
- Microsiervos: Scientific, technological, trivia and humor.
- Eliax: Scientific and technological trends.
- No Puedo Creer: About the most original things on the planet.
- Planeta Curioso: If curiosity gets to you and you're always looking for new things to learn, you'll love this blog.
- Muy Interesante: About curiosities.
Actualidad Móvil
- Xataka Móvil: Mobile world.
- Celularis: Actualidad sobre dispositivos móviles.
- Androids Is: Very useful for those who have an Android device.
- El Androide Libre: All you need to know about Android today.
- Actualidad iPhone: All iphone.
- Wayerless: Focused mobile world.
Economy and Saving
- El Blog Salmón: Economy and housing.
- A Fin De Mes: News related savings.
- Blog y lana: Economics and personal finance. It is easily forgotten thanks to its friendly mascot.
- Sin Dinero: Tips and resources to live without money.
- Pequeño Cerdo Capitalista: Like carrying your personal finances.
- El Economista: Economy as a central theme.
- Info Autónomos: If you are or think to be your own boss, this blog will go directly to favorites.
- Cotizalia: So you do not miss anything of the current economy.
Current General
- Periodismo Humano: Human rights do not always get the attention it deserves.
- Notas de Fútbol: Current world football.
- FerPlei: Football.
- El Mundo Today: The most hilarious news Spanish and global overview that although they are false, they'll make you laugh out loud.
- El Jueves: Today satirical humor.
- Auto Blog: The blog for lovers of motor.
Film - TV - Games - Fashion (Mixture)
- Vaya Tele: All about TV and TV.
- Formula TV: Everything that happens in the world of television.
- Chica de la Tele: con noticias sobre las series y programas de la televisión española.
- Blog de cine : un blog muy visitado sobre cine.
- Ver Tele: blog muy completo sobre la actualidad en TV
- Pop Rosa: Tabloids, all about the world of celebrities.
- Trendencias: Fashion and new trends.
- Web Adictos: News about Internet, technology, entertainment and sports.
- Vida Extra: News about Internet, technology, entertainment and sports.
Health - Travel - Other
- Vitonica: Nutrition, fitness and health in general.
- Bebes y Más: Maternity and babies.
- Diario del Viajero: Spanish travel.
- Viaje a la guerra: Horror of armed conflicts, with testimonies collected by a reporter.
- Papel en Blanco: On literature.
- Mejores del Mundo: Hundreds of rankings on any topic that interests you.
- Hipersónica: Dedicated to music news.
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